
Many languages let you create enumeration types. Typically, these are shorthand for constants, so you can have a few different values that you know it's coming from. A common example would be days of the week.

In Typescript, an enum for days of the week would look something like this1:

enum WeekDay {
    Monday = 0,

These are pretty straightforward in most languages, and useful but not earth-shattering.

Rust enums are far more powerful and are a key tool in structuring data and programs well. You use them almost everywhere (indirectly, through Option and Result) for error handling and type safety.

What makes Rust enums more powerful is that they capture more than just a constant. Each variant of the enum can also have data.

If you're familiar with C, a Rust enum is equivalent to a tagged union. If you're not familiar with C, which is probably more likely if you're reading this, we'll unpack that and explain how enums are represented in memory. But first we'll see some examples of using them.

Defining and Using Enums

An enum has a name and it has variants. Each variant can either be a "unit" enum or it can have data associated with it. Additionally, there are two ways you can add data for a variant: positionally, or with named fields.

Let's define an enum with one of each of these types of variants to see them in action. This will just be a silly made-up example.

fn main() {
enum LanguageResource {
    // This variant has a field by position; in this case, it's probably the URL

    // This variant has fields by name
    Book { title: String, pages: u64 },

    // This is a unit variant, with no data contained

To write create an instance of an enum, you instantiate one of the variants. You refer to it using the enum name and the variant name, separated with ::.

Let's see examples of creating each of the previous variants, and then accessing their fields:

fn main() {
enum LanguageResource {
   Book { title: String, pages: u64 },
let site = LanguageResource::Website("https://yet-another-rust-resource.pages.dev/".to_owned());
let book = LanguageResource::Book { title: "The Rust Programming Language".to_owned(), pages: 300 };
let independent = LanguageResource::SelfTeaching;

println!("the site is at {}", site.0);
println!("the book {} is {} pages long", book.title, book.pages);

When you have an instance of an enum, you can use it with pattern matching (to directly look at the fields and use them), or you can use methods on the enum. One of the most common enums you use in Rust is Option, which is defined something like this:

fn main() {
// the `<T>` just says we take a generic type, so the Option can contain anything
// we want instead of having to define a new type by hand for each contained type.
enum MyOption<T> {

Then to use it you can either use methods (in this case, defined by the standard library) or pattern matching. Here is an example using both ways to accomplish the same thing:

fn main() {
let x = Some(3);

if x.is_some() {
    println!("x = {}", x.unwrap());
} else {
    println!("x is empty :(");

match x {
    Some(v) => println!("x = {v}"),
    None => println!("x is empty :("),

And just like with structs, you can define your own methods on an enum you create.

Let's wrap this up by implementing the is_some function for our own Option type.

fn main() {
enum MyOption<T> {
impl<T> MyOption<T> {
    pub fn is_some(&self) -> bool {
        match self {
            MyOption::Some(_) => true,
            MyOption::None => false,

Enum Memory Representation

As mentioned above, enums are akin to tagged unions in C. The memory layout of these is pretty straightforward. Each enum has a "tag", which represents which variant it is holding, and then it has enough bytes to hold the largest variant.

The upshot of this is that no matter what variant your instance is, it will be as large as the largest variant, plus a bit extra for the tag.

How large is the tag? It can be as small as one byte, if you have fewer than 255 variants (if you have more, you need a larger tag) and if the alignment of the type is 1. We won't go into how to determine what the alignment of your type is but it's a great topic to explore on your own.

Why not just use a struct?

What's the reason we'd like to have an enum with data, instead of just a struct? What's special about doing Result as an enum?

There are a few main reasons you want to do it as an enum, and why you cannot always use a struct:

  1. It allows a more compact memory representation. A struct requires the memory of all its fields, and if you have fields that are present in some arms of the enum but not others, you'd pay for those always. In contrast, an enum only requires as much memory as its largest variant, plus a byte (or word) for its tag. So this can save a serious amount of memory! And for things like Option of a reference, it can even be free, because the compiler can do tricks to reuse memory in the pointer itself.
  2. It allows you to do pattern matching, which you cannot do on a struct with private members.
  3. You can enforce things at compile time, like which fields are or are not set, rather than enforcing populating fields through logic at run time.


  1. Write an enum which represents days of the week.
  2. Look up the standard library Result type and write a basic implementation of it. Refer to our Option implementation for a similar example.


Weeks start on Mondays, not Sundays. Fight me.